Born in 1952 in the Clyde coastal seaside town of Dunoon, David’s early years were spent in Glasgow before moving to Motherwell where David attended Glencairn Primary School and then Dalziel High School. “I was raised in a Christian home with a father and mother who were extremely active in their Christian faith, my dad being a City Missionary with the Glasgow City Mission, and so I am thankful for those formative years where daily Bible reading and prayer were a reality more than just a routine.” This environment was helpful in his decision for Christ on 8th December 1958, aged six. However the teens and twenties were a time of backsliding until his return to faith in 1975. David is married to Catherine and they have 3 children – Angela, Pamela and Jonathan, along with sons-in-law Tim and Ryan, daughter-in-law Sarah and with grandchildren Anna, Megan, Joel, Melissa and Brooke, Perrie, Aria and Autumn. The desire to share and teach God’s Word became stronger and stronger, and starting a Bible study with a couple of families, Calvary grew into existence, and has grown now into a healthy, stable fellowship of believers with a local, national and international vision. “My only desire in life is to introduce as many people as possible to the Lord Jesus Christ and to encourage people to study the Word of God as intensely as possible, knowing that as they discover the treasures of God’s Word and apply these truths in their lives, they will become mature, fulfilled and growing Christians.” |