“Eyes Opened, Vision Restored”
Imagine seeing the world in blurry shapes and shadows—unable to distinguish the details, colours, and beauty of the people and places around you.
Now, imagine someone gently leading you by the hand, restoring your sight step by step until everything comes into perfect focus.
That’s the picture we find in Mark 8:22-26, a story not just of physical healing but of spiritual transformation.
In this passage, Jesus performs a miracle unlike any other recorded in the Gospels. A blind man is brought to Him in Bethsaida, and instead of healing him instantly, Jesus chooses a two-step process.
The man’s vision is partially restored before Jesus touches him again, bringing complete clarity.
This passage invites us to consider our own spiritual vision. Are we seeing Jesus clearly, or are we still viewing Him through the fog of incomplete understanding?
All welcome to join us for our in-depth, forensic study of Mark 8